You performed a search for: Categories: Addiction Counselling / Treatment

There are 54 record(s) that match your criteria. Click on the organization / program name to view the full details of the record
  Organization / Program Name(s) Located In Description (Brief)

Map RecordBrightshores Health System, Owen Sound - 6th St 'A' E, Rapid Access Addiction Medicine Clinic

Map RecordBrightshores Health System, Owen Sound - 6th St 'A' E, Rapid Access Addiction Medicine ClinicOwen Sound Provides low barrier access for clients seeking treatment for any substance use disorder. Staffing Team includes addiction physicians, nurse practitioner, addiction counsellors and a concurrent disord ... [More]

Map RecordBrightshores Health System, Owen Sound - 6th St 'A' E, Withdrawal Management Services

Map RecordBrightshores Health System, Owen Sound - 6th St 'A' E, Withdrawal Management ServicesOwen Sound Provides assistance with voluntary withdrawal from alcohol and/or other drugs to clients who are under the influence of these substances and/or in withdrawal or otherwise in crisis directly related t ... [More]

Map RecordBrightshores Health System, Kincardine, Rapid Access Addiction Medicine Clinic

Map RecordBrightshores Health System, Kincardine, Rapid Access Addiction Medicine ClinicKincardine Provides low barrier access for clients seeking treatment for any substance use disorder. Staffing Team includes addiction physicians, nurse practitioner, addiction counsellors and a concurrent disord ... [More]

Map RecordPine River Institute

Map RecordPine River InstituteShelburne Live-in treatment centre and outdoor leadership experience for youth ages 13 to 19 years old struggling with mental health issues, specifically addictive behaviours. Offering: * a holistic treatment a ... [More]

Map RecordRowland's Independent Grocer, Loblaw Pharmacy

Map RecordRowland's Independent Grocer, Loblaw PharmacyPort Elgin Pharmacy offering: * compliance packaging - dosette box filling and blister packaging * basic home health care supplies * canes, sports braces, splints and supports * diabetic supplies * limited custo ... [More]

Map RecordBrightshores Health System, Port Elgin, Rapid Access Addiction Medicine Clinic

Map RecordBrightshores Health System, Port Elgin, Rapid Access Addiction Medicine ClinicPort Elgin Provides low barrier access for clients seeking treatment for any substance use disorder. Staffing Team includes addiction physicians, nurse practitioner, addiction counsellors and a concurrent disord ... [More]

Map RecordCanadian Mental Health Association Grey Bruce, Mental Health and Addiction Services, Owen Sound - 1101 2nd Ave E, Suite 207, Choices Drug and Alcohol Counselling for Youth

Map RecordCanadian Mental Health Association Grey Bruce, Mental Health and Addiction Services, Owen Sound - 1101 2nd Ave E, Suite 207, Choices Drug and Alcohol Counselling for YouthOwen Sound Offers counselling support for youth who are concerned about their own or someone else's substance use. Counsellors work directly with youth and their families at various high schools and office setti ... [More]

Map RecordCanadian Mental Health Association Grey Bruce, Mental Health and Addiction Services, Owen Sound - 1101 2nd Ave E, Suite 207, New Directions for Alcohol and Drug Problems

Map RecordCanadian Mental Health Association Grey Bruce, Mental Health and Addiction Services, Owen Sound - 1101 2nd Ave E, Suite 207, New Directions for Alcohol and Drug ProblemsOwen Sound Supports adults who are concerned about their own or someone else's substance use or gambling. The goals of the program are to: * Support individuals with their substance use concerns while working to ... [More]

Map RecordCanadian Mental Health Association Grey Bruce, Mental Health and Addiction Services, Owen Sound - 1101 2nd Ave E, Suite 207, New Directions Problem Gambling Community Treatment

Map RecordCanadian Mental Health Association Grey Bruce, Mental Health and Addiction Services, Owen Sound - 1101 2nd Ave E, Suite 207, New Directions Problem Gambling Community TreatmentOwen Sound Supports adults concerned with their own or someone else's gambling. Assistance with self exclusion is available. This program also provides information and educational presentations on gambling for g ... [More]

Map RecordSaugeen First Nation, Saugeen First Nation - 47 Mason Dr, Mino Bimaadsawin Health Centre

Map RecordSaugeen First Nation, Saugeen First Nation - 47 Mason Dr, Mino Bimaadsawin Health Centre  Provides family medical care and community-based health programs. Offers culturally appropriate programs and services for Aboriginal people, combining Traditional and Western medicine. Health Centre ... [More]

Map RecordSaugeen First Nation, Saugeen Native Drug and Alcohol Counselling Centre, Saugeen First Nation - 47 Mason Dr

Map RecordSaugeen First Nation, Saugeen Native Drug and Alcohol Counselling Centre, Saugeen First Nation - 47 Mason Dr  Provides drug and alcohol addiction counselling, education, awareness, self-help groups, talking/healing circles and referrals to treatment and aftercare. Certified in completing GAINS Q3 MI mental he ... [More]

Map RecordChippewas of Nawash Unceded First Nation, Neyaashiinigmiing - 247 Prairie Rd, Harm Reduction and Outreach

Map RecordChippewas of Nawash Unceded First Nation, Neyaashiinigmiing - 247 Prairie Rd, Harm Reduction and OutreachNeyaashiinigmiing Offers harm reduction supplies, education, referrals, case management and outreach.

Map RecordBrightshores Health System, Dundalk, Rapid Access Addiction Medicine Clinic

Map RecordBrightshores Health System, Dundalk, Rapid Access Addiction Medicine ClinicSouthgate Provides low barrier access for clients seeking treatment for any substance use disorder. Staffing Team includes addiction physicians, nurse practitioner, addiction counsellors and a concurrent disord ... [More]

Map RecordCommon Point

Map RecordCommon PointCollingwood Online directory of free and very low cost programs and services related to mental health and addiction supports. Available to children, youth and adults living in the Ontario Health atHome North Sim ... [More]

Map RecordCanadian Mental Health Association Grey Bruce, Mental Health and Addiction Services, Owen Sound - 1101 2nd Ave E, Suite 205

Map RecordCanadian Mental Health Association Grey Bruce, Mental Health and Addiction Services, Owen Sound - 1101 2nd Ave E, Suite 205Owen Sound Offers many programs and services to assist those who live with or are impacted by mental health and/or addiction(s). Please see separate listings for program and location details. For more informatio ... [More]

Map RecordBrightshores Health System, Wiarton Hospital, Rapid Access Addiction Medicine Clinic

Map RecordBrightshores Health System, Wiarton Hospital, Rapid Access Addiction Medicine ClinicSouth Bruce Peninsula Provides low barrier access for clients seeking treatment for any substance use disorder. Staffing Team includes addiction physicians, nurse practitioner, addiction counsellors and a concurrent disord ... [More]

Map RecordBrightshores Health System, Owen Sound - 9th Ave, Community Addiction Treatment Services

Map RecordBrightshores Health System, Owen Sound - 9th Ave, Community Addiction Treatment ServicesOwen Sound Outpatient day program offers assessment, referral, treatment and follow-up services to people with addiction related problems in a group setting. Program runs on weekdays for three weeks. Provides in ... [More]

Map RecordBrightshores Health System, Hanover and District Hospital, Rapid Access Addiction Medicine Clinic

Map RecordBrightshores Health System, Hanover and District Hospital, Rapid Access Addiction Medicine ClinicHanover Provides low barrier access for clients seeking treatment for any substance use disorder. Staffing Team includes addiction physicians, nurse practitioner, addiction counsellors and a concurrent disord ... [More]

Map RecordShoppers Drug Mart, Hanover

Map RecordShoppers Drug Mart, HanoverHanover Pharmacy offering * basic home health care supplies * home safety equipment, such as grab/bath bars, raised seats * canes and walkers for sale * sports braces, splints and supports * ostomy supplies * ... [More]

Map RecordShoppers Drug Mart, Kincardine

Map RecordShoppers Drug Mart, KincardineKincardine Pharmacy offering: * basic home health care supplies * limited home safety equipment, such as grab/bath bars, raised seats * canes and crutches for sale * sports braces, splints and supports * ostomy ... [More]

Map RecordGordon's Pharmasave

Map RecordGordon's PharmasaveKincardine (Town of) Pharmacy offering: * basic home health care supplies * home safety equipment, such as grab/bath bars, raised seats * mobility aids for sale or rent such as canes, walkers, wheelchairs. Registered ADP ... [More]

Map RecordSeven South Street Treatment Centre

Map RecordSeven South Street Treatment CentreOrillia 12-week abstinent based program for men using the principles of the 12-step program. Services provided: * Daily group therapy sessions in morning and afternoon * Clients are assigned an individual co ... [More]

Map RecordLucknow Pharmasave

Map RecordLucknow PharmasaveLucknow Pharmacy offering: * basic home health care supplies * home safety equipment, such as grab/bath bars, raised seats * mobility aids for sale or rent such as canes, walkers, wheelchairs, rollators and c ... [More]

Map RecordHospital for Sick Children, Adolescent Medicine

Map RecordHospital for Sick Children, Adolescent MedicineToronto Eating Disorders Program * for children and youth 8-18 years * diagnosis and treatment * inpatient, day hospital and outpatient programs * family education Substance Abuse Day Treatment Program and O ... [More]

Map RecordSouth East Grey Community Health Centre, Markdale

Map RecordSouth East Grey Community Health Centre, MarkdaleGrey Highlands Community health centre staffed by: * Doctors * Nurse Practitioners * Registered Nurses * Registered Social Workers * Chiropodist * Registered Dietitian * Physiotherapist * Registered Midwives * Comm ... [More]

Map RecordRexall Pharmacy, Meaford

Map RecordRexall Pharmacy, MeafordMeaford (Town of) Pharmacy offering: * basic homes health care supplies * home safety equipment, such as grab/bath bars, raised seats * mobility aids (canes and walkers,scooters and wheelchairs) for rent * sports brac ... [More]

Map RecordCanadian Mental Health Association Grey Bruce, Mental Health and Addiction Services, Owen Sound - 509 9th Ave E, G&B House

Map RecordCanadian Mental Health Association Grey Bruce, Mental Health and Addiction Services, Owen Sound - 509 9th Ave E, G&B HouseOwen Sound 15-bed residential supportive treatment and housing service for men with severe and often long-term addiction issues that have not been met by non-abstinent community treatment approaches. Provides a ... [More]

Map RecordCanadian Mental Health Association Grey Bruce, Mental Health and Addiction Services, Hanover - 425 10th St, Choices Drug and Alcohol Counselling for Youth

Map RecordCanadian Mental Health Association Grey Bruce, Mental Health and Addiction Services, Hanover - 425 10th St, Choices Drug and Alcohol Counselling for YouthHanover Offers counselling support for youth who are concerned about their own or someone else's substance use. Counsellors work directly with youth and their families at various high schools and office setti ... [More]

Map RecordCanadian Mental Health Association Grey Bruce, Mental Health and Addiction Services, Hanover - 425 10th St, Mental Health & Addictions Court Support

Map RecordCanadian Mental Health Association Grey Bruce, Mental Health and Addiction Services, Hanover - 425 10th St, Mental Health & Addictions Court SupportHanover Provides guidance and support to individuals living with mental health and/or addiction who are navigating the criminal justice system.

Map RecordCanadian Mental Health Association Grey Bruce, Mental Health and Addiction Services, Hanover - 425 10th St, New Directions for Alcohol and Drug Problems

Map RecordCanadian Mental Health Association Grey Bruce, Mental Health and Addiction Services, Hanover - 425 10th St, New Directions for Alcohol and Drug ProblemsHanover Supports adults who are concerned about their own or someone else's substance use or gambling. The goals of the program are to: * Support individuals with their substance use concerns while working to ... [More]

Map RecordCanadian Mental Health Association Grey Bruce, Mental Health and Addiction Services, Hanover - 425 10th St, New Directions Problem Gambling Community Treatment

Map RecordCanadian Mental Health Association Grey Bruce, Mental Health and Addiction Services, Hanover - 425 10th St, New Directions Problem Gambling Community TreatmentHanover Supports adults concerned with their own or someone else's gambling. Assistance with self exclusion is available. This program also provides information and educational presentations on gambling for g ... [More]

Map RecordBayside IGA Pharmacy

Map RecordBayside IGA PharmacyWiarton Pharmacy offering: * basic homes health care supplies * home safety equipment, such as grab/bath bars, raised seats * mobility aids for sale or rent such as canes, walkers, wheelchairs, scooters. Assi ... [More]

Map RecordGreenestone Centre for Recovery

Map RecordGreenestone Centre for RecoveryMuskoka Lakes Township Inpatient residential addictions facility. Utilizes a wide variety of programs, techniques and treatment approaches. Medication assistance. Individual, family and couples education and support.

Map RecordMeaford IDA Pharmacy

Map RecordMeaford IDA PharmacyMeaford (Town of) Pharmacy offering: * home safety equipment, such as grab/bath bars, raised seats * mobility aids for sale i.e. canes, walkers, wheelchairs and scooters * sports braces, splints and supports * advanced ... [More]

Map RecordGuardian - Sauble Pharmacy

Map RecordGuardian - Sauble PharmacySauble Beach Pharmacy offering: * basic home health care supplies * home safety equipment, such as grab/bath bars, raised seats * mobility aids for sale such as canes, walkers * sports braces, splints and supports ... [More]

Map RecordBrightshores Health System, Durham Medical Centre, Rapid Access Addiction Medicine Clinic

Map RecordBrightshores Health System, Durham Medical Centre, Rapid Access Addiction Medicine Clinic  Provides low barrier access for clients seeking treatment for any substance use disorder. Staffing Team includes addiction physicians, nurse practitioner, addiction counsellors and a concurrent disord ... [More]

Map RecordMarkdale IDA Pharmacy

Map RecordMarkdale IDA PharmacyMarkdale Pharmacy offering: * basic home health care supplies * home safety equipment, such as grab/bath bars, raised seats * mobility aids for sale i.e. canes, walkers, wheelchairs and scooters * sports brace ... [More]

Map RecordEHN Canada, Gateway Recovery

Map RecordEHN Canada, Gateway RecoveryPeterborough Residential alcohol and drug treatment centre for military personnel, veterans, first responders, and health care providers. * Treatment for all forms of alcohol and chemical dependency, including con ... [More]

Map RecordBrightshores Health System, Lion's Head Hospital, Rapid Access Addiction Medicine Clinic

Map RecordBrightshores Health System, Lion's Head Hospital, Rapid Access Addiction Medicine ClinicNorthern Bruce Peninsula Provides low barrier access for clients seeking treatment for any substance use disorder. Staffing Team includes addiction physicians, nurse practitioner, addiction counsellors and a concurrent disord ... [More]

Map RecordRexall Drug Store, Southampton

Map RecordRexall Drug Store, SouthamptonSouthampton A full service pharmacy including: * basic home health care supplies * home safety equipment (ie grab bars, bath bars, raised seats) * mobility aids for sale * ostomy supplies * compression and suppor ... [More]

Map RecordPharmasave - Sally's Pharmacy, Owen Sound

Map RecordPharmasave - Sally's Pharmacy, Owen SoundOwen Sound Pharmacy offering: * basic home health care supplies * canes for sale i.e. canes * limited sports braces, splints and supports * ostomy supplies * support stockings * flu shot, by appointment * admini ... [More]

Map RecordRexall Pharma Plus, Owen Sound - 1507 9th Ave

Map RecordRexall Pharma Plus, Owen Sound - 1507 9th AveOwen Sound Pharmacy offering: * basic home health care supplies * home safety equipment (grab bars, bath bars, raised seats * mobility aids (canes, walkers, wheelchairs, scooter for sale * sports braces, splints ... [More]

Map RecordRexall Drug Store, Owen Sound - 1415 1st Ave

Map RecordRexall Drug Store, Owen Sound - 1415 1st AveOwen Sound Pharmacy offering: * limited basic home health care supplies * home safety equipment, such as grab/bath bars, raised seats * canes for sale * sports braces, splints and supports * limited advanced wou ... [More]

Map RecordShoppers Drug Mart, Port Elgin

Map RecordShoppers Drug Mart, Port ElginPort Elgin Pharmacy offers: * basic home health care supplies * home safety equipment, such as grab/bath bars, raised seats * mobility aids for sale such as canes, walkers, wheelchairs and scooter * sports brace ... [More]

Map RecordShoppers Drug Mart, Owen Sound - 16th St E

Map RecordShoppers Drug Mart, Owen Sound - 16th St EOwen Sound Pharmacy offering: * basic home health care supplies * home safety equipment, such as grab/bath bars, raised seats * limited mobility aids for sale i.e. canes, walkers, wheelchairs and scooters * spor ... [More]

Map RecordLakeridge Health Oshawa, Whitby - Pinewood Centre - Cochrane St, Women's Residential Treatment Program, Pinewood Centre, Whitby - Cochrane St

Map RecordLakeridge Health Oshawa, Whitby - Pinewood Centre - Cochrane St, Women's Residential Treatment Program, Pinewood Centre, Whitby - Cochrane StWhitby Treatment for women with substance issues * residential 21 day program * day treatment options for women within commuting distance of the centre * intensive trauma-informed and women-centred group cou ... [More]

Map RecordHanover Pharmasave

Map RecordHanover PharmasaveHanover Pharmacy offers: * basic home health care supplies * home safety equipment, such as grab/bath bars, raised seats * mobility aids for sale or rent such as canes, walkers, crutches, manual wheelchairs a ... [More]

Map RecordZehrs Drugstore Pharmacy, Owen Sound

Map RecordZehrs Drugstore Pharmacy, Owen SoundOwen Sound Pharmacy offers: * Basic home health care supplies * Extensive health care supplies can be special ordered * Canes for sale * Limited sports braces, splints and supports * Limited compression and supp ... [More]

Map RecordCanadian Mental Health Association Grey Bruce, Mental Health and Addiction Services, Owen Sound - 1101 2nd Ave E, Suite 206, Mental Health & Addictions Court Support

Map RecordCanadian Mental Health Association Grey Bruce, Mental Health and Addiction Services, Owen Sound - 1101 2nd Ave E, Suite 206, Mental Health & Addictions Court SupportOwen Sound Provides guidance and support to individuals living with mental health and/or addiction who are navigating the criminal justice system.

Map RecordOntario Addiction Treatment Centres, Owen Sound

Map RecordOntario Addiction Treatment Centres, Owen SoundOwen Sound Methadone clinic, maintenance programs and counseling to those who can't stop abusing opiates. Offers: * Methadone treatment * Suboxone treatment * Sublocade treatment * Kadian treatment * Hepatitis ... [More]

Map RecordCanadian Mental Health Association Grey Bruce, Mental Health and Addiction Services, Owen Sound - 1024 2nd Ave E, Peer Support and Information

Map RecordCanadian Mental Health Association Grey Bruce, Mental Health and Addiction Services, Owen Sound - 1024 2nd Ave E, Peer Support and InformationOwen Sound Provides resources and education to improve mental health and addiction knowledge for the people of Grey and Bruce Counties. Services include: Publications: * publishes "Where to Find Help in Grey and ... [More]

Map RecordBergen No Frills Drugstore Pharmacy, Owen Sound

Map RecordBergen No Frills Drugstore Pharmacy, Owen SoundOwen Sound Pharmacy offering: * basic home health care supplies * flu shot (no appointment required) * administers travel vaccinations * compliance packaging and blister packaging * general compounding * diabeti ... [More]

Map RecordShoppers Drug Mart, Owen Sound - 10th St W

Map RecordShoppers Drug Mart, Owen Sound - 10th St WOwen Sound Pharmacy offering: * basic home health care supplies * limited home safety equipment (grab bars, bath bars, raised seats) * sports braces, splints and supports * ostomy supplies * compression and supp ... [More]

Map RecordDundalk Village Pharmacy

Map RecordDundalk Village PharmacyDundalk Pharmacy offers: * basic home health care supplies * limited home safety equipment (including grab/bath bars, raised seats) * mobility aids (canes and walkers, wheelchairs, scooters) for sale - some i ... [More]